Extrinsic vs Intrinsic Ageing

Ageing is an inevitable process that everyone goes through. While we can do our very best to slow this process down and reduce the signs externally, ageing still continues internally.

Let’s break it down looking into the two factors that cause ageing: extrinsic and intrinsic. 

Extrinsic Ageing:

These are external factors that contribute to the damage of our skin cells, causing ageing skin. 

Studies on identical twins have shown that over a number of years of different lifestyle behaviours the identical twins can look completely different as they age. One will have a lot more visible lines, wrinkles and pigmentation, while the other will have a smoother more even complexion and look years younger than their twin.

Key factors that contribute to ageing extrinsically include air pollution, smoking, poor diet and hydration, the sun and UV exposure, as well as stress and lack of sleep. 

Intrinsic Ageing:

This occurs internally and is a natural process that occurs to everyone as we age. Over time our body’s ability to to repair and regenerate slows down. The average 20-30 year old’s skin cell renewal process takes approximately 28 days, however it can take 60 days or more for someone in their 50’s or 60’s resulting in thinner skin that has a loss of tone and elasticity.

Hormonal changes, genetics and damage causing free radicals all age the skin over time. 

While we cannot stop our bodies ageing naturally internally, we can still get into daily habits that will help slow down the ageing process externally. So there is no better excuse than to get your beauty sleep, eat well and wear SPF all in the name of healthy, youthful skin! 

At Orèa Aesthetics we can help fight the signs of ageing with cosmetic injectables, regular facials, facial peels, Microneedling and LED Light Therapy treatments. 

By Kristina Gianneas 


The Fire & Ice Facial