Wrinkle Relaxer
What is a wrinkle relaxer?
Wrinkle relaxers are a purified protein used to smooth and tighten existing lines cause by muscle contraction. The treatment involves a consultation, treatment, and if needed a follow up appointment two weeks later. Onset is usually 4-10days, and treatments last for 3-4months.
Areas often treated with wrinkle relaxers are:
Glabella, Frontalis, Orbicularis Oculi, Masseters, Orbicularis oris/levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscles that pull the sides of the smile.
What is Hyperhydrosis?
Struggling with excessive sweating? The same product that is used for anti-wrinkle injections can help to reduce this problem by temporarily blocking the secretion of the chemical that leads to heavy sweating. Contact us to discuss this treatment with a thorough consultation. This treatment can last up to 9 months.
Male treatments
If you want to take care of the lines on your face that are making you look cross or older than you feel, wrinkle relaxers can make a world of difference. Your treatment will be tailored to your face and requirements.
What does the treatment involve?
Our Registered Nurse / Advanced Cosmetic Injector provides each patient with a non-obligation, complimentary consultation and assessment to determine a suitable treatment plan.
The treatment area is mapped out and marked with pencil.
Anti-Wrinkle is then administered to the targeted muscles with a very fine needle.
The treatment is comfortable and sensation may be a quick sting lasting just seconds.
How many treatments are required?
For ongoing results, Anti-Wrinkle is performed at 3-4 month intervals.
Anti-inflammatory medications have a blood thinning effect and may increase the risk of bruising after the anti-wrinkle injections.
Do not massage or rub or apply pressure to the treatment area for 24 hours post treatment.
Avoid excessive alcohol consumption immediately after treatment.
Avoid laying down for 4 hours post procedure.
Pre and Post Treatment Instructions
Anti-Wrinkle results will begin to appear within 5 days post treatment, and for some patients up to 14 days.
The results of muscle relaxant are not permenant and generally last 3-4 months for most patients.
Once muscle movement resumes, re treatment is required.
*All cosmetic injectable medical procedures carry potential risks, side effects & downtime. Not all patients are suitable for treatment. A thorough consultation will occur prior to any procedure. Results will vary & are not guaranteed *